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Our services

Workshops and training


SERICC delivers a range of workshops and training to a variety of external organisations. Our staff are qualified to deliver various specialist training around sexual violence.  


We work closely with schools, colleges and youth organisations across Essex, and regularly deliver workshops for young people as part of Thurrock council ‘Youth @ Risk’ programme on; consent, healthy relationships and online culture.  


We deliver training for local organisations and offer a bespoke package on a wide range of content and subjects relating to sexual violence and child sexual abuse, tailoring a training package to fit the needs of your organisation. This could include; myths & realities around sexual violence, first disclosures, barriers to reporting and disclosing, long-term and short-term effects of childhood sexual abuse, supporting survivors.



To find out more about training, please visit www.icena.net

Thanks for helping me see my life differently. You gave me the tools to challenge myself and my negative thoughts. I am now returning to moving back to my home town with a fresh and clear mind.