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National Rape Crisis


Visit the 24/7 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Line website.


The 24/7 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Line is a free phone and online chat service for anyone aged 16+ in England and Wales who has been affected by any kind of sexual violence, abuse or harassment – no matter when or where it happened.


This includes people who have experienced something sexual that they didn’t want, didn’t consent to or are feeling confused about, as well as their friends, family or anyone else who is trying to support them.


The Support Line is staffed around the clock by a team of specialist operators who are there to listen, answer questions and offer emotional support in confidence. [This means that conversations will always stay private unless an operator believes that a child or adult at risk of harm is in danger.]


The Support Line is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for all individuals  0808 500 22 22



About Rape Crisis:


Rape Crisis Centres formed as a co-ordinating group in 2003 and registered as a charity, Rape Crisis England & Wales (RCEW) in February 2007 to promote the needs of women and girls who have experienced sexual violence, improve services to them and work towards the elimination of sexual violence. Rape Crisis England & Wales is an umbrella body working to co-ordinate and support a network of independent affiliated Rape Crisis Centres (RCCs) across England and Wales. They campaign to raise awareness, improve the response of Government and other organisations and challenge public attitudes about the acceptability of sexual violence.


Rape Crisis member centres acknowledge all forms of sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault and childhood sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual domestic violence, forced marriage, and so-called honour-based violence, female genital mutilation, trafficking and sexual exploitation and ritual abuse.


Rape Crisis Centres provide crucial frontline support and independent advocacy for victim and survivors of all ages who have experienced any form of sexual violence both recently and/or in the past; they are community based, and independent of government and the criminal justice system.


The first Rape Crisis Centre opened in 1973; Centres now offer a wide range of specialist trauma informed support and information for women and girl survivors, families, friends and professionals including: helplines, face-to-face counselling and support, group work, advocacy including access the criminal justice system or practical support. Bespoke training is offered to voluntary and statutory agencies.


Member Centres provided dedicated space for women and girls and services are delivered free of charge, in confidence, in a safe and non-threatening environment. They recognize gender-based violence is a cause and consequence of gender inequality, and as such offer a gender-specific, evidence-based response. Achieving real equality means tackling the structural inequality that is embedded in society and in gender relations. Member Centres adhere to a membership criteria which promotes dedicated services for women and girls as a way of challenging structures which have historically discriminated against women and girls and provide the most effective care and services. Over the decades services have developed and more than half of Rape Crisis Centres offer services to adults, young people and children.


Rape Crisis groups are autonomous, but have come together to work under the umbrella of Rape Crisis England & Wales through a regional network of Rape Crisis Centres to share information, expertise and provide a voice to victims and survivors on a local, regional and national level.


For general information about Rape Crisis visit the website.

Email: info@rapecrisis.org.uk or media@rapecrisis.org.uk

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