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Our services

First Contact Navigators


Our Essex-wide partnership offers a first contact through our telephone support to victims and survivors.


By phoning 0300 003 7777, victims, survivors and professionals from across Essex will be able to talk to one of an Essex-wide team of First Contact Navigators. The team are all specially trained to work with victims of sexual violence and child sexual abuse, will guide callers to the services they need in their local area, helping them to access the right support, at the right time.   


There is an online referral form for self and professionals.

First Contact Navigators

0300 0037777

Talk about and decide upon the services you want to receive

synergy essex

You have made a difference. I have never felt empowered to make a difference before - I've had counselling most of my life and it's never affected me like this. I have never had this experience before where I felt listened to , and never felt positive about me before ...The real me! Thank you.