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Getting help

Brighter Futures


The Brighter Futures programme is intended to support and equip families who have been affected by sexual violence or abuse to strengthen positive relationships with their children through a better understanding of trauma and parenting skills.


The programme is specifically for families and carers where anyone in the family has experienced any form of sexual violence (including childhood sexual abuse, rape or sexual assault) at any time in their lives.


The Brighter Futures programme has been designed specifically to raise awareness of all forms of sexual violence and abuse, including online safety and ways of recognising and understanding signs of abuse, to enable families and carers to safeguard children in their care. 


The programme increases understanding of how victims/survivors respond to sexual violence and abuse, whether adult or child, and helps families explore the impact of childhood sexual abuse and sexual violence on parenting and wider family relationships.


Working with families


Brighter Futures aims to enable families and carers to make confident, informed choices that they feel are right for the children in their care.


The Brighter Futures programme is available for families in Thurrock who have been referred by Thurrock Social Care because:



Making a Brighter Futures referral


Referrals to the Brighter Futures programme should be for the whole family. We can only accept referrals for parent(s) with their child(ren). Please complete the online referral form for organisations for each member of the family individually.


The Brighter Futures worker will make contact with the parent or carer and, following an initial assessment, will agree a support plan with the parent or carer that takes into account their family’s specific needs.

brighter futures