Support & Information 01375 380609

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Getting help

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SERICC offers specialist support and information to victims and survivors of  all forms of sexual violence and sexual abuse.


We work with all adults, young people and children regardless of gender, sexuality, disability, language, ethnicity or immigration status.


SERICC is part of the Essex Rape Crisis Partnership that offers services across Essex as Synergy Essex. 


If you're looking for support after rape or any form of sexual abuse, we can help. You can complete an online referral form or call 0300 0037777. 


We also accept referrals from professional and partner agencies.


If the telephone line is busy you can leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible. In your first conversation, you will be told about the services SERICC offers so you can decide what would be most useful to you. 


You may decide you would like counselling to talk about how you feel or that you would like help with practical issues, including a police investigation. You can have both services.


All services are free. There is no obligation to take up any services or to continue if you choose to start. 


Due to high demand for services, you may be placed on a waiting list, but you can access information and support while you wait by calling 01375 380609.